Question What is the standard delivery time?

Our standard delivery time is within 5 to 8 business days. You will receive a confirmation e-mail that your order has been processed.

Question If a handbag is not in stock, does that mean it's no longer available?

No. If on our website you see a sad smiley face with the words "Out of stock" underneath the selected model, don't worry. This just means that we're waiting for more of the handbag or backpack to be made and put back in stock.

Question Can I order a handbag in a different color than what's offered? / Do you also do custom handbags?

No. Unfortunately, we do not personalize individual handbag or backpack models, nor do we make them in a different color other than what we currently have on offer. We also do not modify accessories to fit individual customer requests. We simply do not have the capacity to do so. Thank you for your understanding.

Question Where are the handbags made and what are they made out of?

Our leather handbags and backpacks come from Italy, where we work with small family workshops. They work very efficiently, and we have a variety of colors, types, sizes, and designs to choose from.

We are able to change their models and make them our own. We choose the color, accessories, and fastening type. Since our handbags come directly from them without any intermediaries, our prices remain low and affordable for customers.


Our leather products can be divided into different grades of quality according to grain size, origin, and structure. All products on bear the "Genuine Leather" seal of quality.

Genuine leather is made from the bottom cut of the hide. It retains a nice, rich color and has an elastic feel while also maintaining that nice leather smell. The quality of the product is excellent and the products last a long time.

There are of course other products on the market made from higher quality leather grades by designer houses, which are of premium quality.